Radial wood variation in some anatomical features in Aspidosperma quebracho blanco
Juana Graciela Moglia, Carlos Raúl López
Forest operations and sediment concentration in natural streams I: A mathematical model formulation
Emilio D. Fuentes, Juan J. Troncoso, Carlos A. Bonilla
Forest operations and sediment concentration in natural streams II: Analysis of sensibility and comparison with other models
Emilio D. Fuentes, Carlos A. Bonilla, Juan J. Troncoso
Vesicles arbuscles mycorrhiza and its incidence on the growth of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. seedlings
Guillermo Pereira, Manuel Sánchez, Darcy Ríos, Miguel A. Herrera
Diameter growth models for Nothofagus dombeyi
Luis Mario Chauchard, Renato Sbrancia, Alberto Rabino, Marcelo González Peñalba, Leonardo Maresca