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Dec 31, 2001
vesicles arbuscles mycorrhiza
plant growth


Several publications have shown beneficial effects of ectotrophic mycorrhizas on the growth of Eucalyptus species. However, this genus can establish symbiosis with endotrophic mycorrhizas and, in some cases, form ecto and endomycorrhizas. The effect on growth of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. by two mycorrhizal fungi Glomus intraradices (Schenck and Smith) and Glomus mosseae (Nicolson and Gerdemann; Gerdemann and Trappe) was assessed in this study. The results showed that Glomus intraradices had a higher incidence in variables such as plant height, nutrient uptake, aerial weight, leaf surface area and leaf chlorophyll content.

Guillermo Pereira
Manuel Sánchez
Darcy Ríos
Miguel A. Herrera
How to Cite
Pereira, G., Sánchez, M., Ríos, D., & Herrera, M. A. (2001). Vesicles arbuscles mycorrhiza and its incidence on the growth of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. seedlings. Revista Bosque, 22(2), 39–44. Retrieved from


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