Study on large woody debris in a stream from the Andes Mountains: functionality and importance
Andrea Andreoli, Giovanni Carlig, Francesco Comiti, Andrés Iroumé
Stocking management charts for roble, raulí and coigüe second growth forests in Chile
Salvador A. Gezan, Alicia Ortega, Ernesto Andenmatten
Estimation of age classes in plantations of Corrientes province, Argentina, using Landsat satellite data
José Daniel Lencinas, Diego Mohr-Bell
Forest fire detection using NOAA/16-LAC satellite images in the Araucanía Region, Chile
Carlos Muñoz, Patricio Acevedo, Sonia Salvo, Gonzalo Fagalde, Francisco Vargas
Growth of a plantation of Nothofagus nervosa in Valdivia in a 20-year period
Víctor Gerding, René Reyes G., Claudio Donoso Z.
IAA oxidase activity on species of Nothofagus genus cuttings
Mirtha Latsague, Patricia Sáez, Marco Paredes, Edith Alarcón
Site index curves for Nothofagus dombeyi in the pre-Andean mountains of the province of Cautin, IX Region, Chile
Carlos R. Esse, Celso O. Navarro, Julio C. Pinares
Growth and commercial yield of Pinus elliottii in planting and natural regeneration managed with thinnings in Entre Ríos, Argentina
Silvia L. Rebottaro, Daniel A. Cabrelli