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Aug 31, 2007
The aim of this research was to analyze the growth of a 20-year old plantation of Nothofagus nervosa ex situ (39º 45’ S, 73º 09’ 07” W, 125 m asl) and to determine the causes of its spatial variation. In three sites (1: area of highest growth, quadratic mean diameter = 16.5 cm, dominant height 14 m; 3: area of lowest growth, quadratic mean diameter = 8.1 cm, dominant height 8 m; and 2: intermediate growth area, quadratic mean diameter = 9.1 cm, dominant height 9 m), the plantation was characterized by a) diameter, height, shape, health, vitality, and volume of each tree; b) the diameter growth by using an increment borer; c) content of nutritional elements of foliage; and d) morphological, physical, and chemical characterization of the soil. The estimated volume in site 1 (112 m3/ha) was eight and four times bigger than that for sites 3 and 2, respectively. Lower growth in sites 2 and 3 is explained by the scarce side protection against radiation supplied by adjoining woods and, in site 3, it may also be explained by greater resistance of the soil to penetration and less rooting depth. Health and nutritional status of stands did not explain growth differences.