Published: 2019-08-16

Use of near infrared spectroscopy and multivariate analysis to predict wood density of Douglas fir

Glen E. Murphy, Mauricio A. Acuna


Applications of bayesian techniques in forest tree breeding

Freddy Mora, Sandra Perret


Effects of age in Pinus radiata plantation in the abundance of Ceroglossus chilensis (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in the Biobío Region, Chile

Raúl Briones, Viviane Jerez


Effect of pH on the in vitro growth of ectomycorrhizal fungi collected from Pinus radiata plantations

Guillermo Pereira C., Jaime Herrera S., Angela Machuca H., Manuel Sánchez O.


Influence of radiation and drought on gas exchange of Austrocedrus chilensis seedlings

Javier Enrique Gyenge, María Elena Fernández, Tomás Schlichter


Influence of the fertilization regime and the time of inoculum application in the mycorrhization rate of Pinus ponderosa in nursery

Carolina Barroetaveña, Daniel Baltasar Martínez, Mario Rajchenberg


Fire regime reconstruction in a Prosopis caldenia woodland, La Pampa, Argentina

Andrea A. Medina


Differential biomass productivity of Nothofagus pumilio seedlings under light and soil moisture gradients

María Vanessa Lencinas, Guillermo Martínez Pastur, Alicia Moretto, Emilce Gallo, Carlos Busso


Effects of fertilization doses and weed cover on the initial growth and mortality of a Nothofagus dombeyi plantation in the Valdivian Andes

Pablo J. Donoso, Víctor Gerding, Daniel Uteau, Daniel P. Soto, Oscar Thiers, Claudio Donoso


Export of nitrogen and calcium through the thinning of a five-year-old stand of Eucalyptus nitens, Chile

Víctor Gerding, Oscar Thiers E., Juan E. Schlatter


Precarious conservation status of Pilgerodendron uviferum forests in their northern distribution in the Chilean Coastal Range

Daniel P. Soto, Carlos Le Quesne, Antonio Lara, Martin F. Gardner


Comparative study of water balance components in a native forest and a meadow in southern Chile

Cristian Echeverría, Anton Huber, Florent Taberlet
