Published: 2012-11-30

Tree species richness, does it play a key role on a forest restoration plantation?

Ana Carolina Figueira Gazell, Ciro Abbud Righi, José Luiz Stape, Otávio Camargo Campoe


Climatically induced trends of change of floristic composition in forest communities in Northern Baikal region (Southern Siberia)

Leonid Krivobokov, Oleg Anenkhonov


The 21st century climate change effects on the forests and primary conifers in central Siberia

Nadezda M Tchebakova, Elena I Parfenova


Carbon budget recovery and role of coarse woody debris in post-logging forest ecosystems of Southern Siberia

Ludmila Mukhortova


Changes in height growth patterns in the upper tree-line forests of Tierra del Fuego in relation to climate change

Horacio S Ivancich, Guillermo J Martínez Pastur, Fidel A Roig, Marcelo D Barrera, Fernando Pulido


Do beavers improve the habitat quality for Magellanic Woodpeckers?

Gerardo E Soto, Pablo M Vergara, Marlene E Lizama, Cristian Celis, Ricardo Rozzi, Quiterie Duron, Ingo J Hahn, Jaime E Jiménez


The role of land-use visions for protection of forest landscapes: the Białowieża Forest (Poland)

Barbara Bożętka


Influence of land use on edge effect in an Atlantic forest fragment in north-east Brazil

Flávia de B Prado Moura, Mateus Gonzales, Micheline M Lima, Marcos V Carneiro Vital


A visual perception study in landscapes subject to fires in South East Australia

Paula Villagra Islas


GIS-based classification and mapping of forest site conditions and vegetation

Vera Ryzhkova, Irina Danilova


Selecting ecotonal landscape units on Meridional Plateau, Southern Brazil

Rosemeri Segecin Moro, Ingrid Aparecida Gomes, Tiaro Katu Pereira


Boundaries and mosaics: an approach to evaluate changes and to profit landscape planning, São Sebastião Island, SP/Brazil

Lídia S Bertolo, Pilar M de Agar, Carlos L de Pablo, Rozely F Santos


Frost ring distribution in Araucaria araucana trees from the xeric forests of Patagonia, Argentina

Martín Ariel Hadad, Mariano Martín Amoroso, Fidel Alejandro Roig Juñent


Mapping tree genera using discrete LiDAR and geometric tree metrics

Connie Ko, Tarmo K Remmel, Gunho Sohn


Spatio-temporal effects of human drivers on fire danger in Mediterranean Chile

Alejandra Carmona, Mauro González, Laura Nahuelhual, Jorge Silva


Non-wood forest products for livelihoods

Nataliya Stryamets


Recognizing the nature of traditional identity through the study of changes in the landscape (Juréia- Itatins, São Paulo, Brazil)

Veronica Sabatino, Rozely F dos Santos


Landscape changes in Serra do Japi: legal protection or scientific expectation?

Elisa Hardt, Rozely Ferreira dos Santos, Erico F Lopes Pereira-Silva


Stream corridors as indicators of watershed land use: A case study in Istanbul

Yusuf Serengil, Muhittin İnan, İbrahim Yurtseven, Betül Uygur


Forest conservation index and historical evolution in a coastal region: The São Sebastião Island, São Paulo, Brazil

Vivian Hackbart, Guilherme Lima, Rozely Santos


Recognizing vegetation chronosequence in Landsat imagery

Irina Danilova, Vera Ryzhkova


Spatial-functional pattern of ecotonal riparian landscapes on Meridional Plateau, Southern Brazil

Tiaro Katu Pereira, Rosemeri Segecin Moro
