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Jun 1, 2017
sustainable forest management
sustainable rural development
sustainable livelihoods


Forests provide a diversity of non-wood forest products as a resource base for regional and rural development. The role of non-wood forest products differs in time and space. The aim of the study was to analyze the role of non-wood forest products in livelihoods, especially forest-dependent communities, in Ukraine and Sweden. 114 interviews with local stakeholders in two countries were done for this study. The results showed that (1) non-wood forest products have potential for economic rural development, (2) traditional practices of non-wood forest products utilization were retained and revived in Ukraine, (3) and were no longer economically but rather socially important for local people in Sweden. Non-wood forest products have great potential for sustainable rural development, as resources for economic development.

Nataliya Stryamets
Author Biography

Nataliya Stryamets, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, School for Forest Management, Faculty of Forest Sciences, Po Box 43, SE 73921 Skinnskatteberg, Sweden.

Roztochya Nature Reserve, Sitchovyh Stryltsiv 7, Ivano-Frankove, 81070, Ukraine.

How to Cite
Stryamets, N. (2017). Non-wood forest products for livelihoods. Revista Bosque, 33(3), 329–332. Retrieved from


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