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May 31, 2017
Brazilian Atlantic rainforest
forest restoration
landscape ecology
tree biodiversity
forest litter production


The Brazilian Atlantic forest is considered one of the world's biodiversity conservation hotspot. Today there is less than ten percent remaining. Therefore it is necessary to restore these ecosystems. There are many ways of achieving restoration's main goals, but there is a lack of ecological studies that analyzes tree species richness as a variable. Thus, this study's goal is to investigate if there is a difference between a forest restoration in a gradient of tree species richness that varies from 20, 60 to 120 species, by using the litterfall as an indicator. Every month, for one year the forest litter was collected from litter traps that were previously installed. Results revealed that stands produced litterfall by the increasing gradient of species was of 5,370, 5,909 and 6,432 kg ha-1 yr-1. The statistical analyses revealed no significant difference among them. Therefore this six-year-old forest restoration plantation shows no difference on the litter production by the tree species richness.

Ana Carolina Figueira Gazell
Ciro Abbud Righi
José Luiz Stape
Otávio Camargo Campoe
How to Cite
Figueira Gazell, A. C., Abbud Righi, C., Stape, J. L., & Camargo Campoe, O. (2017). Tree species richness, does it play a key role on a forest restoration plantation?. Revista Bosque, 33(3), 245–248. Retrieved from


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