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Jun 1, 2017
cultural identity
traditional community
changing landscape


This study analyzed spatial variability with regard to natural resources of interest to traditional communities within an important protected area in the São Paulo State - the Juréia-Itatins Ecological Station. The historical occupation of the area was interpreted with a focus on the traditional practices related to the use of land, exploitation of the natural resources and topographic features. A historical line was drawn showing a clear relation between the expansion of the occupation and the development of new practices, giving rise to different outcomes in different ways of living with nature. We suggest that the decisions made about Juréia Forest conservation recognize the historical and territorial variations of traditional practices.

Veronica Sabatino
Rozely F dos Santos
How to Cite
Sabatino, V., & dos Santos, R. F. (2017). Recognizing the nature of traditional identity through the study of changes in the landscape (Juréia- Itatins, São Paulo, Brazil). Revista Bosque, 33(3), 333–337. Retrieved from


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