Population indicators of Rhyacionia buoliana (Schiff.): relations between apical infestation, infestation degree and population density
Sandra Ide M., Dolly Lanfranco L.
Stem defects evolutions by Rhyacionia buoliana in Chile: an example in the X Region
Sandra Ide M., Dolly Lanfranco L.
Seasonal fluctuation of nematodes trophic groups in the ecotonal forest of cypress (Austrocedrus chilensis) in Argentina
Miriam E. Gobbi, Norma Brugni
Effect of different conditioning regimes over the growth of 1-0 bare-rooted rauli (Nothofagus alpina (Poepp. et Endl) Oerst.) plants
Mauro E. González, Claudio Donoso, Bernardo Escobar
Particleboards from second growth wood of Nothofagus: Effect of pressing temperature and time
H. Poblete, J. Soto, L. Inzunza
Agaricales commonly collected in Campus Isla Teja, Universidad Austral de Chile
Eduardo Valenzuela, Carlos Ramírez, Gabriel Moreno, Mireille Polette, Sigisfredo Garnica, Hernán Peredo, Janis Grinbergs
Natural durability of Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don) Endl.
Roberto Juacida P., Jorge Villanueva S.