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Jun 28, 1996
Root management
plant production
Nothofagus alpina


With the purpose of studying the effect of different conditioning regimes on the growth of bare rooted 1-0 sapling of Nothofagus alpina, an essay was set up in an experimental nursery in Valdivia.
Response of the sapling to two initial moments of conditioning with different root management schemes was tested through a factorial experiment. Results were evaluated using typical morphological plant characteristics. The growth rate in height and plant mortality were also monitored during the conditioning period.
Plants which were conditioned late reached significantly higher values in all the variables. Only the dry weight of fine roots reached significantly higher values when plants were conditioned early.
Likewise, plants with some kind of root management scheme, reached significantly lower values in every morphological parameter evaluated when compared with the control; the dry weight of fine roots and of the root system were the only variables that increased significantly. Plants conditioned early as well as those in which some root managemet scheme was used reached more balanced morphological relations. The Dickson index proved to be a poor predictor of plant quality for this species.
Mortality due to this management was not important. Height growth rate presented an important reduction in plants with root management when compared to the control.

Mauro E. González
Claudio Donoso
Bernardo Escobar
How to Cite
González, M. E., Donoso, C., & Escobar, B. (1996). Effect of different conditioning regimes over the growth of 1-0 bare-rooted rauli (Nothofagus alpina (Poepp. et Endl) Oerst.) plants. Revista Bosque, 17(1), 29–41. Retrieved from


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