Published: 2019-08-16

Chemical characteristics of Chilean forest soils

José Sadzawka R., Mario Peralta P., Manuel Ibarra M., José M. Peralta A., Juan P. Fuentes E.


Effect of Pinus radiata on the chemical-nutritive characteristics of surface mineral soil

Juan E. Schlatter, Luis Otero


Nutrient inputs through rainfall in Eucalyptus grandis stands

Guilherme De C. Andrade, Helton Damin Da Silva, Carlos A. Ferreira, Antonio F. J. Bellote, Luiz Moro


Requirement and distribution of boron in eucalypt seedlings

Sebastião C. Andrade, Nairam Felix De Barros, Roberto Ferreira De Novais, Jose Luiz Teixeira, Pedro G.L. Leal


Potassium nutrition and water relations in seedlings of Eucalyptus spp.

Paulo Cesar Teixeira, Pedro G. Lelis Leal, Nairam Felix De Barros, Roberto Ferreira De Novais


Mineral nutrients and growth of fertilized Eucalyptus grandis in the State of São Paulo, Brazil

Antonio F. J. Bellote, Carlos A. Ferreira


Eucalypt dieback and nutritional management of plantation forest: physiological aspects

Marco Antonio Oliva, Nairam Felix De Barros, Maria Mercês De Mouza Gomes


Wood ashes III: Buffer effects on phosphorus fixation in acid soils with active aluminium

Renato Grez, Víctor Gerding


Wood ashes IV: effects on nutrient absorption in plants

Renato Grez, Víctor Gerding


Effects of the application of ash and pulp residues on the soil and on the growth of Eucalyptus grandis

Antonio F. J. Bellote, Carlos A. Ferreira, Helton Damin Da Silva, Guilherme De C. Andrade


Effect of the application of ash and pulp-mill residues on the decomposition and liberation of nutrients from the litterfall of Eucalyptus grandis plantations

Carlos Alberto Ferreira, Helton Damin Da Silva, Antonio Francisco J. Bellote, Guilherme De Castro Andrade, Luiz Moro


Tree bark a recyclable waste of industrial forestry as a soil substrate for use in plant production

Renato Grez, Víctor Gerding


Application of sawdust from the forest industry in order to improve soils

Renato Grez, Víctor Gerding


Forest legumes: aspects related to nutrition and use in reclamation of degrades soils

Luiz Eduardo Dias, Avilio A. Franco, Eduardo Campello, Sergio M. De Faria, Eliane M. Da Silva
