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Jun 30, 1995


NUTRICALC is a software program that takes into consideration site index, rotation age, soil properties, effective soil depth, and efficiency of nutrient utilization for estimating nutrient balance and fertilizer recommendations for fast-growing eucalypt in the tropics. Additionally, stand biomass and nutrient content are required if the forest is to be managed by coppicing or replaced by a new one. The program generates three kinds of reports: Technical, which records all the input information and the estimated nutrient balance and recommendations; Operational, which contains the recommended fertilization (if the estimated nutrient balance is negative); and Economic, which states what fraction of the income will be spent on fertilizer.

Nairam Felix De Barros
Roberto Ferreira de Novais
Jose Luiz Teixeira
Elpidio I. Fernandes Filho
How to Cite
De Barros, N. F., Ferreira de Novais, R., Teixeira, J. L., & Fernandes Filho, E. I. (1995). NUTRICALC 2.0 - System for estimating nutrient balance and fertilizer recommendations for eucalypt plantations. Revista Bosque, 16(1), 129–131. Retrieved from


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