A heuristic algorithm for solving the alternative rural land use allocation
Jorge Gayoso, Roberto Muñoz
Growth and survival of alerce (Fitzroya cupressoides Mol. (Johnston)) in experimental plantations at Cordillera de la Costa in Valdivia
Claudio Donoso, Bernardo Escobar, Héctor Castro, Alberto Zúñiga, Renato Grez
Structure and porosity of andisols under natural vegetation and Pinus ponderosa Dougl. Plantations in Southwest Neuquén, Argentina
P. Broquen, G. Falbo, C. Frugoni, J. L. Girardin, M. Guido, P. Martinese
Effect of a Pinus radiata plantation on the spatial distribution of soil water content
Anton Huber, Ramiro Trecaman
Forest canopy interception and effects on peak flows in an experimental catchment at Malalcahuello, IX Region, Chile
Andrés Iroume, Anton Huber
Sawing and drying of three cultivars of Populus x euramericana (Dode) Guinier growing in Valdivia, Chile
Roberto Juacida P., Esteban Saldivar G.