Published: 2019-08-16

An essay on a forest stations typology in the Tolhuaca National Park, Chile

Rodolfo Gajardo, Federico Luebert, Marlis Estay


Methodological proposal of forest management planning, Lenga forest application

Pablo Cruz Johnson, Pablo Honeyman Lucchini, Carlos Caballero Tapia


State of the art in functional-structural plant modeling

M. Paulina Fernández Quiroga


Measurement of upper-stem diameters with Bitterlich mirror relascope and Finnish parabolic caliper: effects in volume estimations

Christian Salas E., Mauricio Reyes Sch., Claudia Bassaber E.


Biological control of Ctenarytaina eucalypti (Hem.: Psyllidae), pest of eucalyptus in Argentina

Patricio Fidalgo, Tania S. Olivares, Ana María De Haro, Justo José Barañao


Productivity analysis of two cable yarding carriages in clearcut of Pinus radiata plantations

Patricio Carey B., Dionisio Soto H.


Production cost evaluation in portable bandsaw mill operations

Alfredo Aguilera, Luis Inzunza, Rosa Alzamora, Luis Tapia


Bleached kraft pulp of Pinus tecunumanii

Leonel Fernando Torres, Roberto Melo, Jorge Luiz Colodette


Application of two integral hydrologic simulation models, for the average monthly flow estimation, in two basins of Central Chile

Roberto Pizarro T., Manuel Soto B., Cesar Farias D., Cristian Jordan D.


Cryopreservation of the nematode Beddingia (Deladenus) siricidicola, biological control agent of sirex wood wasp

Macarena Gerding G., Andres France I.


Soil characterization of Austrocedrus chilensis forests along a climatic and topographic gradient in Chubut province, Argentina

Ludmila La Manna
