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Aug 31, 2005
rainfall-runoff Models
simulation Models
Témez Model
T Model


Two rainfall-runoff models, Témez Model and T Model, were calibrated for Purapel river basin and Achibueno river basin, at Maule region of Chile. Although T Model uses two parameters and Témez Model uses four parameters, more parameters were used in this research by clustering months from a temporal point of view. On the other hand, 66 % of data were used for calibration and the rest for validation. Results show total data variation is explained in 82 % on Purapel river basin through Témez Model and 61 % is explained for Achibueno river basin through T Model. In addition, U Mann Whitney test is used to fit quality. Both models are considered to be good models. Finally, to use Témez Model for Purapel river basin and T Model for Achibueno river basin is suggested

Roberto Pizarro T.
Manuel Soto B.
Cesar Farias D.
Cristian Jordan D.
How to Cite
Pizarro T., R., Soto B., M., Farias D., C., & Jordan D., C. (2005). Application of two integral hydrologic simulation models, for the average monthly flow estimation, in two basins of Central Chile. Revista Bosque, 26(2), 123–129. Retrieved from


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