Soil carbon dynamics in high-elevation temperate forests of Oaxaca (Mexico): thinning and rainfall effects
Vinisa Saynes, Jorge D Etchevers, Leopoldo Galicia, Claudia Hidalgo, Julio Campo
Reconstruction of vegetation cover and land use ca. 1550 and their change towards 2007 in the Valdivian Rainforest Ecoregion of Chile (35º – 43º 30´ S)
Antonio Lara, María Eugenia Solari, María Del Rosario Prieto, María Paz Peña
Pollinator insects of Eucalyptus nitens in a clonal seed orchard in South Central Chile
María José Sanzana, Luis E Parra, Hugo A Benítez, Jaime Espejo
Frugivory and ornitochorous fruits removal in Chaco forest fragments of Córdoba (Argentina)
Analía Melisa Ponce, Gabriel Grilli, Leonardo Galetto
Proftability of the edible mushroom Suillus luteus exploitation for timber producers and for rural families in the Andean region of Chubut province, Argentina
María Victoria Fernández, Carolina Barroetaveña, Vilma Bassani, Fernanda Ríos
Effect of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization on Pinus radiata hedges shoots phenology and growth
Andrés Hernández C, Rafael Rubilar P
Determination of spatial trends of hotspots as a strategy for forest fires monitoring in Durango, México
Marín Pompa García, Paulino Hernández González
Comparison of Chilean and foreign formulae for urban tree appraisal
Mauricio Ponce-Donoso, Óscar Vallejos-Barra, Gustavo Daniluk-Mosquera