Hydrological behavior of a mesoscale montane catchment in central-eastern Mexico
Alitzel Guzmán Huerta, Lyssette Elena Muñoz Villers
Hydrological behavior of a mesoscale montane catchment in central-eastern Mexico
Alitzel Guzmán Huerta, Lyssette Elena Muñoz Villers
Seasonal variation in gas exchange and chlorophyll index of Palicourea racemosa in an open ombrophilous forest
Ester dosSantos Coêlho, João Everthon da Silva Ribeiro, Francisco Romário Andrade Figueiredo, Arliston Pereira Leite, Marlenildo Ferreira Melo, Manoel Bandeira de Albuquerque
Seasonal variation in gas exchange and chlorophyll index of Palicourea racemosa in an open ombrophilous forest
Ester dosSantos Coêlho, João Everthon da Silva Ribeiro, Francisco Romário Andrade Figueiredo, Arliston Pereira Leite, Marlenildo Ferreira Melo, Manoel Bandeira de Albuquerque
Peat bog wetlands of Aisén Region (Chilean Patagonia): Classification and ordination of flora and vegetation
Carlos Ramírez, Cristina San Martín, Javier Amigo, Miguel Álvarez, Osvaldo Vidal, Yéssica Pérez, Gisela Toledo
Peat bog wetlands of Aisén Region (Chilean Patagonia): Classification and ordination of flora and vegetation
Carlos Ramírez, Cristina San Martín, Javier Amigo, Miguel Álvarez, Osvaldo Vidal, Yéssica Pérez, Gisela Toledo
Mapping damage on forests burnt in Central Chile by modelling ex-ante and ex-post spectral indices
Marco A. Peña, Gonzalo Martínez
Mapping damage on forests burnt in Central Chile by modelling ex-ante and ex-post spectral indices
Marco A. Peña, Gonzalo Martínez
Short-term and long-term monitoring in restoration trials of the long-lived and slow-growing conifer Pilgerodendron uviferum
Nicole Galindo, Jan R. Bannister, Katharina Laage
Short-term and long-term monitoring in restoration trials of the long-lived and slow-growing conifer Pilgerodendron uviferum
Nicole Galindo, Jan R. Bannister, Katharina Laage
Quantifying the temporal variation of the contribution of fine sediment sources to sediment yields from Chilean forested catchments during harvesting operations
Paulina Schuller, Desmond E. Walling, Andrés Iroumé, César Quilodrán, Alejandra Castillo
Quantifying the temporal variation of the contribution of fine sediment sources to sediment yields from Chilean forested catchments during harvesting operations
Paulina Schuller, Desmond E. Walling, Andrés Iroumé, César Quilodrán, Alejandra Castillo
Field observations and remote sensing techniques for evaluation of vegetal recovery after different wildfire severity in a Mediterranean ecosystem
Marcos Francos, Marc Lemus Canovas
Field observations and remote sensing techniques for evaluation of vegetal recovery after different wildfire severity in a Mediterranean ecosystem
Marcos Francos, Marc Lemus Canovas
Proposal of two visual tree risk assessment methods for urban parks in Montevideo, Uruguay
Ana Paula Coelho Duarte, Gustavo Daniluk Mosquera, Virginia Gravina, Andrés Hirigoyen, Óscar Vallejos Barra, Mauricio Ponce Donoso
Proposal of two visual tree risk assessment methods for urban parks in Montevideo, Uruguay
Ana Paula Coelho Duarte, Gustavo Daniluk Mosquera, Virginia Gravina, Andrés Hirigoyen, Óscar Vallejos Barra, Mauricio Ponce Donoso
Nutrient (N, P, K) use efficiency and nitrogen balance in a bioenergy plantation of Populus deltoides clone Lux in San Piero A Grado (Pisa), Italy
Antonio María Cabrera Ariza, Giorgio Ragaglini, Patricia Silva Flores, Óscar Bustos Letelier, Rómulo Santelices Moya
Nutrient (N, P, K) use efficiency and nitrogen balance in a bioenergy plantation of Populus deltoides clone Lux in San Piero A Grado (Pisa), Italy
Antonio María Cabrera Ariza, Giorgio Ragaglini, Patricia Silva Flores, Óscar Bustos Letelier, Rómulo Santelices Moya