A method of site classification for forestry production: A Chilean example
Juan E. Schlatter, Victor Gerding
Characterization of Red-clay soils of the South-Central Chile
César Bonelli, Juan Schlatter
Important site variables and factors for Pinus radiata D. Don productivity in Chile
Victor Gerding, Juan E. Schlatter
The growth of Pinus ponderosa Dougl. and Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Dougl. in different site conditions (Prov. NQN-R.A.)
Jorge Luis Girardin, Patricia Broquen
Evaluation of some properties of soils derived from volcanic ash when associated with afforestations of exotic conifers (SW Province of Neuquén-R. Argentina)
Patricia Broquen, Jorge Luis Girardin, María C. Frugoni
Productivity potential of Eucalyptus grandis on soil of southeast Corrientes province and some soil characteristics involved in wood productivity
Jorge Luis Aparicio, Juan Adolfo López
Influence of soil compaction produced during clearcutting on the productivity of second-cycle growth of Pinus taeda L.
Roberto Fernández, Jorge Fahler, Hugo Fassola, Norberto Pahr, Ana Lupi