Soil landscape relationship in the evaluation for the forestry potentiality in the central andino-patagónica region, Argentina
Jorge Irisarri, Juan Mendia
Biological cycle of a microlepidoptera attacking fruits and seeds of ciprés de la cordillera [Austrocedrus chilensis (D, Don) Fl. et Bout.]
Cecilia Gómez, Paula Klasmer
Estimating merchantable volume for deciduos trees
Guillermo Trincado, Klaus Von Gadow, Victor Sandoval
Evaluation of sulphite alkaline pulps with anthraquinone and methanol
Aldo Rolleri, Marco Torres
Mixed plantations of Eucryphia cordifolia Cav., Laurelia sempervirens R. et P. Tul. and Aextoxicon punctatum R. et P. in areas where Chusquea quila had recently flowered
Mauro González, Claudio Donoso, Shawn Fraver
Floristic composition and vertical structure in a Beilschmiedia berteroana (Gay) Kosterm. stand in the foothills of the VII Region of Chile
Creighton Litton, Jaime Diaz, Ricardo Lara