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Nov 30, 2021
vegetation dynamics
natural regeneration


The understanding of the succession process is a fundamental condition in defining strategies for the conservation and sustainable use of forest ecosystems. Therefore, we aimed at testing which ecological factors affect short-term successional changes in the upper-montane forests of the “Planalto Sul Catarinense” Region, Brazil. We evaluated the influence of propagules source, soil seed bank, edaphic and topographic variables, nucleating elements and natural regeneration floristic-structural composition on demographic rates of tree-shrub regenerating component in three disturbed open vegetation areas at São Joaquim National Park. We inventoried the regenerative component in 2014, 2015 and 2016, within one 20x100 m transect in each area. Afterwards, demographic rates were determined for each period. The influence of explicative variables on demographic rates of the regenerating component was tested through the Generalized Least Square (GLS) model. We found an increment in both individuals and richness over time. When analyzing the influence of the explanatory variables on the speed of the successional process, we observed that only the floristic-structural composition of the natural regeneration was determinant. We conclude that the speed of the represented succession is, to a large extent, a feature related to the phase of the successional trajectory in which the vegetation is found.

Edilaine Duarte
Pedro Higuchi
Ana Carolina da Silva
Marcos Eduardo Guerra Sobral
Roseli Lopes da Costa Bortoluzzi
Jaime Antonio de Almeida
Janaina Gabriela Larsen
Juliana Pizutti Dallabrida
Luran Monteiro Muzeka
Jéssica Thalheimer de Aguiar
Tarik Cuchi
How to Cite
Duarte, E., Higuchi, P., da Silva, A. C., Guerra Sobral, M. E., Lopes da Costa Bortoluzzi, R., de Almeida, J. A., Larsen, J. G., Pizutti Dallabrida, J., Monteiro Muzeka, L., Thalheimer de Aguiar, J., & Cuchi, T. (2021). Key factors affecting succession in upper montane forest areas of “Planalto Sul Catarinense” Region, Brazil. Revista Bosque, 42(3), 353–364. Retrieved from


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