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Jan 28, 2025
tropical rivers
anthropogenic disturbance


Tropical riparian vegetation is critical because of the different levels of disturbance caused by various anthropogenic activities. The objective of this study was to generate proposals for ecological restoration in riparian areas with different levels of disturbance. The proposals were generated from a previous study on sites and reviews of specialized scientific literature. Active and passive restoration strategies were also considered. The proposals consisted mainly of nucleation and linear methods, considering three combinations of species with different stages of succession: a) tree species of early succession with species tolerant to intermediate shade, b) sticks with the capacity for vegetative reproduction with species of intermediate succession, and c) shrubby species with species of intermediate succession. Thirteen restoration proposals were generated, of which five corresponded to nucleation and three linearly as part of the active restoration. On the other hand, five proposals focused on passive restoration. The implementation of these strategies can be adapted using local riparian species, considering their light and shade requirements as well as their adaptation to edaphic conditions.

Victorio Moreno Jiménez
Abisag Antonieta Ávalos Lázaro
Santa Dolores Carreño Ruiz
José Juan Zúñiga Aguilar
Rubén Monroy Hernández
Lilia María Gama Campillo
How to Cite
Moreno Jiménez, V., Ávalos Lázaro, A. A. ., Carreño Ruiz, S. D., Zúñiga Aguilar, J. J. ., Monroy Hernández, R., & Gama Campillo, L. M. (2025). Proposals for ecological restoration in riparian areas of the humid tropics of Mexico. Revista Bosque, 45(3), 401–411.


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