Published: 2019-08-16

Application of cubic "spline" interpolation in the estimation of volume

Guillermo Trincado V., Jaime Vidal B.


Development of second growth stands of Nothofagus dombeyi (Mirb.) Oerst. in the coastal and Andean ranges of the province of Valdivia (Chile) 25 years after establishment

Pablo Donoso, Claudio Cabezas, Andrés Lavanderos, Claudio Donoso


Effect of some forest management types to evergreen forests of Chiloe (Chile) on soil microarthropods

René Covarrubias, Álvaro Contreras


Regeneration of Nothofagus pumilio throughout the forest management cycle: 1. Crown closure and harvesting incidence

Guillermo Martínez Pastur, Pablo Luis Peri, María Cecilia Fernández, Gabriela Staffieri


Regeneration of Nothofagus pumilio throughout the forest management cycle: 2. Incidence of Lama guanicoe browsing

Guillermo Martínez Pastur, Pablo Luis Peri, María Cecilia Fernández, Gabriela Staffieri, Damaris Rodríguez


The The Andean Patagonian forests as a source of food

Eduardo H. Rapoport, Ana H. Ladio


Seed and litter production in second growth forests of canelo (Drimys winteri Forst.) in the Coastal Cordillera of Valdivia, Chile

Claudio Donoso, Claudio Maureira, Alberto Zúñiga, Héctor Castro


Applicability of density rules on Nothofagus forests: I. The -3/ 2 power law or self-thinning

Luis Chauchard, Renato Sbrancia, Marcelo González, Leonardo Maresca, Alberto Rabino


USLE and isotopic analysis to determine the historical soil erosion in a lacustrine watershed

Alberto Araneda, Marco Cisternas, Roberto Urrutia


Nutrient stability of Pinus radiata (D. Don) plantations at five typical sites of the VIII Region

Victor Gerding S., Juan E. Schlatter
