Published: 2019-08-16

Levels of glomalin and their relation with soil chemical and biological soil (andisol) characteristics in a relic of native forest of southern Chile

Fernando Borie, Alex Seguel, Rosa Rubio, Rubén Carrillo, Alejandro Espinosa


Spatial distribution of Austrocedrus chilensis patches with defoliation and mortality in Valle 16 de Octubre, Chubut province, Argentine

Ludmila La Manna, Francisco Carabelli, Mariano Gómez, Silvia D. Matteucci


Structure and dynamics of Pilgerodendron uviferum forests affected by fires in the coastal range of Chiloe Island

Jan R. Bannister, Carlos E. Le Quesne, Antonio Lara


Effect of pruning and thinning intensity on Eucalyptus nitens leaf area

Fernando Muñoz, Miguel Espinosa, Jorge Cancino, Rafael Rubilar, Miguel Herrera


Effect of Trichoderma harzianum and compost in nursery Pinus radiata seedling

Eduardo Donoso, Gustavo A. Lobos, Nadia Rojas


Effect of asepsis and phytohormones on the in vitro establishment of Berberidopsis corallina from nodal segments

Matilde E. Uribe, Catherine Delaveau, Marcelo Garcés, René Escobar


Forest decline evaluation in Antarctic Beech Forests (Nothofagus antarctica) in Chilean Patagonia by using Landsat TM and ETM+

Rafael M. Navarro Cerrillo, Mauricio Rosenfeld, Jaime Pérez-Aranda, Eva Padrón, José R. Guzmán, Rocío Hernández Clemente, Luis González


Early response of Pinus radiata plantations to weed control and fertilization on metamorphic soils of the Coastal Range, Maule Region, Chile

Rafael Rubilar, Leandra Blevins, Jorge Toro, Antonio Vita, Fernando Muñoz
