Growth of Drimys winteri secondary forest stands following 16 years after thinning in the Andean and Costal Ranges of Chile
René Reyes, Pablo Donoso, Claudio Donoso, Celso Navarro
Evaluation of the mycorrhizal condition of ponderosa pine seedlings produced with high fertilization levels and lacking mycorrhizal management
María Eugenia Salgado Salomón, Mario Rajchenberg, Carolina Barroetaveña
Litterfall production of forests at the pre-Delta area of the Paraná River (Argentina)
Pablo Gilberto Aceñolaza, Lisandra Pamela Zamboni, Juan Fernando Gallardo Lancho
Assessment of the physiological quality of seeds of Maytenus vitis-idaea cultured in vitro
Mirian Bueno, Claudia Alzugaray, Graciela Giubileo, Cecilia Severin, Nélida Carnevale
Recognition of the effect of Cinara cupressi (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in the sanitary condition of Austrocedrus chilensis by multispectral images
Marco A. Peña, Scott H. Altmann
Flora and vegetation of the National Reserve Lago Peñuelas, Biosphere Reserve, Region of Valparaiso, Chile
Enrique Hauenstein, Andrés Muñoz-Pedreros, José Yánez, Pamela Sánchez, Patricia Möller, Basilio Guiñez, Claudia Gil
Forest typology proposal for the Quercus pyrenaica in the Bierzo region, northwest Spain, using multivariance analysis
Pablo Cruz, Alfonso Fernández, José A. Reque