Effect of board density and adhesive combination on physical and mechanical critical properties of OSB made with Chilean native wood
Rose Marie Garay Moena, Francisco Damiani Sandoval
Early performance of planted Nothofagus dombeyi and Nothofagus alpina in response to light availability and gap size in a high-graded forest in the south-central Andes of Chile
Pablo J Donoso, Daniel P Soto, Rafael E Coopman, Silvia Rodríguez-Bertos
Successional variation in carbon content and wood specific gravity of four tropical tree species
Marcela Navarro, Róger Moya, Robin Chazdon, Edgar Ortiz, Braulio Vilchez
Patterns of exotic species richness of different taxonomic groups in a fragmented landscape of central Chile
Pablo I Becerra, Javier A Simonetti
Woody plant regeneration in the semiarid Chaco forest: relationship with biotic and abiotic factors in microsites created by logging
Andrés Tálamo, Javier Lopez de Casenave, Mauricio Núñez-Regueiro, Sandra M Caziani
Influence of nitrogen fertilization on abundance and diversity of basidiocarps of Agaricales s.l. in a temperate forest of Nothofagus obliqua
Eduardo Valenzuela F, Daniela Barría, Oscar Martínez, Roberto Godoy, Carlos Oyarzún
Do greenhouse experiments predict willow responses to long term flooding events in the field?
Teresa Cerrillo, María E Rodríguez, Fabio Achinelli, Guillermo Doffo, Virginia MC Luquez
Wood conductive strategy of Nothofagus alpina (Nothofagaceae), basin Lácar, Neuquén, Argentina
Andrea A Medina, Milagros Razquin, Ismael R Andía
Seed regeneration in native forests of Nothofagus antarctica under silvopastoral use in Southern Patagonia, Argentina
Héctor A Bahamonde, Pablo L Peri, Lucas H Monelos, Guillermo Martínez Pastur
Importance of irrigation and plant size in the establishment success of different native species in a degraded ecosystem of central Chile
Pablo I Becerra, Gustavo Cruz