Seasonal diet of Lama guanicoe (Camelidae: Artiodactyla) in a heterogeneous landscape of South Patagonia
Rosina M Soler, Guillermo Martínez Pastur, Maria Vanessa Lencinas, Laura Borrelli
Livelihood responses to mangrove deforestation in the northern provinces of Ecuador
Stuart E Hamilton, Sarah Collins
Phenological variation in leaf chemistry of Nothofagus macrocarpa in relation to Ormiscodes sp. growth and survival
Rodrigo A Chorbadjian, Ana E Francino
Effect of water potential and host defense on the growth of Amylostereum areolatum and A. chailletii, fungal symbionts of siricides, and study of wood associated mycobiota of conifers in Patagonia, Argentina.
Sofía N López, Alina G Greslebin, Silvia B González, María Belén Pildain
Altitudinal variation in morphological traits of Pinus patula populations from Oaxaca state, Mexico, and its use in the zoning
Héctor Viveros-Viveros, Alfredo R Camarillo-Luna, Cuauhtémoc Sáenz-Romero, Armando Aparicio-Rentería
Precipitation changes of Valdivia city (Chile) during the past 150 years
Álvaro González-Reyes, Ariel A Muñoz
Stand density management diagrams for roble (Nothofagus obliqua) in the Biobío Region, Chile
Burkhard Müller-Using, Rolando Rodríguez, Pablo Gajardo
Paper-based productivity ranking of Chilean forestry institutions
Eduardo Acuña, Miguel Espinosa, Jorge Cancino
Floral morphology and phenology of Nothofagus alpina (Nothofagaceae) in a clonal seed orchard in Los Ríos Region, Chile
Luz García, Fernando Droppelmann, Magaly Rivero
Regional height-diameter models for young Eucalyptus tereticornis plantations in the Atlantic coast, Colombia
Ana Milena López, Guillermo Trincado, Alonso Barrios, Víctor Nieto
Effect of fertilization on Guindilia trinervis in its natural habitat and in the greenhouse
Doris Prehn, Claudia Bonomelli, Ricardo San Martín