Published: 2024-06-04

Influence of sucrose and medium consistency in the in vitro multiplication and photosynthetic pigment profile of Eucalyptus saligna

Mariele Reisdörfer Schorr, Angela Cristina Ikeda, Giovana Bomfim de Alcantara

Ecosystem hydrological dynamics in a tropical dry forest associated with a fractured environment

Landy Carolina Orozco-Uribe, Marcos Adrián Ortega-Guerrero, Manuel Maass, Horacio Paz


Monitoring of forest fires at the local scale: case study of the ejido Mecayapan, Mexico

Christoph Neger, Paula García López, Lilia de Lourdes Manzo Delgado, José Manuel Espinoza Rodríguez

Morpho physiological attributes of Myracrodruon balansae seedlings in nursery: one more step for conservation

Felipe Manzoni Barbosa, Maristela Machado Araujo, Felipe Turchetto, Suelen Carpenedo Aimi, Adriana Maria Griebeler , Álvaro Luis Pasquetti Berghetti, Viviane Dal Souto Frescura


Epiphytic lichen diversity on Quercus Forest from Morelos, Mexico

Lichen community on Quercus

Xitlali Sánchez Girón, Rosa Cerros Tlaltipa, Rosa Emilia Pérez-Pérez


Productivity of mini-cuttings of a hybrid clone of Eucalyptus urophylla x Eucalyptus pellita as a function of exposure time of mini-stumps to mini-tunnel

Fabiana Miranda Rocha, Luiz Filipe Maravilha, Miranda Titon, Sula Janaína de Oliveira Fernandes, Evandro Luiz Mendonça Machado, Nivaldo de Souza Martins


Araucaria angustifolia reproductive phases in two regions of Argentina with different climate conditions

Climate impact on the Araucaria angustifolia reproduction

Fabiana Latorre


Evaluation in Peumus boldus trees after 10 years since the harvest: Response in a megadrought scenario

Rodrigo Gangas Fuentealba, Sergio Donoso, Claudia Espinoza, Alejandro Riquelme, Miguel Quintanilla, Karen Peña Rojas


Effects of tropical montane forest restoration on the ecohydrological functioning of watersheds

Marcela Mosquera Vasquez


Historic urban trees: assessment of the internal integrity of the stem

Glaycianne Christine Vieira dos Santos Ataide, Danilo Henrique dos Santos Ataide, Bianca Cerqueira Martins, Alexandre Monteiro de Carvalho, João Vicente de Figueiredo Latorraca

Assessing deforestation in a southeast region of Jalisco, Mexico with the BFAST algorithm and Collect Earth

Brenda Carolina Zerecero Salazar, PhD., PhD., PhD., PhD., Miguel Ángel Muñoz Ruíz


Estimation of genetic parameters for productive traits in Eucalyptus tereticornis and implications for breeding

Milena González


Statistical properties of three estimators in the context of the rotating panel design of the National Forest and Soil Inventory of Mexico

Efraín Velasco-Bautista, Héctor de-los-Santos-Posadas, José René Valdez-Lazalde, Miguel Acosta-Mireles, Hugo Ramírez-Maldonado, Gilberto Rendón-Sánchez


Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi dynamics during natural succession in mining-impacted areas of a tropical rainforest in Chocó, Colombia

Robinson Stewart Mosquera-Mosquera, Hamleth Valois-Cuesta, Aida Marcela Vasco-Palacios


Charcoal anatomy of seven species from an Araucaria Forest area in Southern Brazil

Rafaela Stange, Helena Cristina Vieira, Angela Luiza Schutz, Lia Wilma Stiegler, Polliana D’Angelo-Rios, Graciela Ines Bolzon-de-Muniz, Simone Ribeiro Morrone, Silvana Nisgoski
