Advances in the determination of causes and effects of coloured wood of Laurelia philippiana
Hernán Poblete W., Juan E. Diaz-Vaz O., Miguel Peredo L.
Chilecomadia valdiviana (Philippi) (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) associated with Ulmus glabra Hudson pendula variety (Laud.) Rehder ("Ulmus pendula") in the VIII region (Concepción, Chile)
Andrés O. Angulo, Tania S. Olivares
Native parasitoids in the pine shoot moth control (Rhyacionia buoliana): advances in the identification of the complex and its development strategies
Dolly M. Lanfrango, Jaime F. Büchner, Angélica M. Aguilar, Rodrigo A. Horcos