Native tree bark decomposition for substrata formation for plant cultivation
Victor Gerding, Renato Grez, Gladys V. Rondanelli
Substrates of pumice and trumao soil with bark humus: a possibility for recycling an industrial waste
Renato Grez, Victor Gerding, Jorge Moya
Blockboards manufacture with rauli wood from thinnings of second growth forests
H. Poblete, J. E. Diaz-Vaz, R. Juacida, P. Niemz, A. Rolleri
Population fluctuations of Rhyacionia buoliana in a Pinus radiata plantation of the X Region
Sandra E. Ide, Dolly M. Lanfranco
Quantitative analysis of chemical components in the bark of several native and exotic species of Llanquihue, X Region, Chile
Sandra Rodríguez S., Marcos Torres U.
Ultrasound wave propagation on some wood species growing in Chile, and its relation with physical properties
Peter Niemz, Alfredo Aguilera, Aldo Rolleri
Biodiversity and conservation of native forests in Chile: A hierarchical approach
Ricardo Rozzi, Juan José Armesto, Javier Figueroa
Gully characterization in the VIIIth and IXth Regions, Chile
Andrés Iroume, Jorge Gayoso, Marta Hernández