Application of 3P Sampling System over fixed plots in a Nothofagus pumilio forest in Chubut Province
Francisco Andrés Carabelli
Hydric balance changes by cutting an adult Pinus radiata stand (Valdivia, Chile)
Anton Huber, Domingo López
Changes of forest soil structure with different managements
Achim Ellies, Carlos Ramírez, Heriberto Figueroa S.
Seasonal changes of pore size distribution in a soil with different forest use
Achim Ellies, Carlos Ramírez, Roberto Mac Donald, Heriberto Figueroa S.
Proposition of growth zones for roble (Nothofagus obliqua) and raulí (Nothofagus alpina) second growth forests
Pablo Donoso, Claudio Donoso, Victor Sandoval
Compatibility and efficiency in vitro of Glomus intraradices on native conifers from Southern Chile
Roberto Godoy, Rubén Carrillo, Hernán Peredo
A ten year study of seed and litter production of different tree species of the broadleaved evergreen forests of the Coastal Cordillera of Valdivia
Claudio Donoso, Marcelo Hernández, Celso Navarro