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Jun 13, 2017
In-stream large wood
mountain channels


In-stream large wood mobility was studied in segments of the main channels of Vuelta de Zorra and Pichún catchments, located in the Coastal Mountain Range, Chile. Statistical significant relationships were found only between bankfull channel width and dependent variables associated to some large wood characteristics measured in the channel reaches. This would indicate that large wood length, and not diameter, would regulate the mobility of the wood pieces during high flows. After the winter season of 2009, the 12 and 6.5 % of the wood elements were mobilized in Vuelta de Zorra and Pichún, respectively. The lower percentage in Pichún would be associated to the lower bankfull width/mean piece length ratio. A statistical non-significant trend was found between mobilized distance and piece length/mean bankfull width; indicating that distance decreased with increased dimensionless piece length. Large wood mobility in the two channels was associated to normal peak flows and could be considered as a minimum mobility rate at annual level. The recruited wood volume was higher than the exported wood volume in both segments, therefore the study period can be considered as an in-stream large wood stocking-period.

Andrés Iroumé
Héctor Ulloa
Mario A Lenzi
Andrea Andreoli
Carolina Gallo
How to Cite
Iroumé, A., Ulloa, H., Lenzi, M. A., Andreoli, A., & Gallo, C. (2017). In-stream large wood mobility and recruitment in two channels in the Coastal Mountain Range, Chile. Revista Bosque, 32(3), 247–254. Retrieved from


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