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Oct 5, 2017
crown transparency
forest health
ICP forest
oak decline


Cases of significant defoliation in oak (Quercus spp.) forests have been reported in Turkey and throughout the world. Oak trees are important in Turkish forests and forestry and cover vast pieces of land in Thrace. In this study, in a quest to determine the general health condition of pure oak forests in Northern Turkish Thrace, the defoliation rate of tree crowns was evaluated for 8,769 trees in 336 sample plots corresponding to different geological parent materials, regions, oak species and stand types. The defoliation rates were designated and assessed based on the criteria of the European Union Forest Health Monitoring Program (UNECE-ICP Forests). The defoliation rate was, to a significant extent, affected by stand type, the geological parent material, and oak species. In general, 47 % of trees exhibited defoliation. The highest ratio of defoliation was found in Kırklareli Region, where water deficit was the highest, and the parent material was schist-calcschist. Medium diameter forests (MDF, mean dbh: 8–20 cm, ratio of defoliated trees = 65 %) among stand types, and sessile oaks (ratio of defoliated trees = 53 %) among oak species, had the highest defoliation rates. Achieved results demonstrated that the defoliation classes in observed oak stands have a significant relation with variables concerning stand types, oak species and geological parent materials.

Meric Kumbasli
Ender Makineci
Akif Keten
Vedat Beskardes
Emrah Özdemir
How to Cite
Kumbasli, M., Makineci, E., Keten, A., Beskardes, V., & Özdemir, E. (2017). Effects of parent material, stand type and oak species on defoliation of coppice-originated oak (Quercus spp.) forests in Northern Turkish Thrace. Revista Bosque, 38(2), 299–306. Retrieved from


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