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Dec 31, 1980


This study deals with the natural decay of coigüe (Nothofagus dombeyi), tepa, (Laurelia Philippiana), ulmo (Eucryphia cordifolia) and olivillo (Aextoxicon punctatum) when subjected to the attack of three fungus species Coriolus versicolor, Coniophora punteana and Gloeophyllum trabeum. This natural decay was assayed in the laboratory by means of the loss of weight of the wood when placed in Kolle flasks for a period of 12 weeks.
The effect of wood extracts upon the growth of Coniophora cerebella inoculated in Petri dishes was analyzed.
The wood tested came from 24 trees dis­tributed among three geographical regions of the province of Valdivia, Chile.
Data obtained show scant natural decay for the wood the species studied, except for the heartwood of coigüe.
The extracts of the species tested show different effects with regard to the growth of Coniophora cerebella.
This research was carried out under the sponsorship of the University of Hamburg, Germany and the Austral University of Chile.

Roberto Juacida P.
Walter Liese
How to Cite
Juacida P., R., & Liese, W. (1980). Revista Bosque, 3(2), 77–85. Retrieved from


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