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Dec 31, 1980


In the present study the variation of the moisture content in Radiata pine industrial roundwood, destined for particleboard production in the Province of Valdivia, was observed during storage. Taking into account that the desired moisture content for chipwood is about 30 to 50%, observations were made to determine the initial moisture content of the roundwood right after felling and its variation during the time of storage. The influence of the following variables was studied:
— location of the roundwood piles in the forest, with or without exposure to solar radiation,
— diameter of the roundwood: small, large, mixed,
— influence of the crown foliage in whole trees.
Under the climat conditions prevailing in the Province of Valdivia, a disminution of the moisture content to around 70% in piled roundwood was obtained.

Rudiger Albin A.
Roberto Jaramillo L.
How to Cite
Albin A., R., & Jaramillo L., R. (1980). Revista Bosque, 3(2), 101–105. Retrieved from


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