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Dec 31, 1979


This study intends to determine the wa y in which the physical-mechanical properties of different types (thickness and density) of Pinus radiata D. Do n particle board are affected whe n saw dust of the same species produced by gan g saws is included in the middle layer.
Analysis of the data lead to the conclusion that the use of saw dust in the middle laye r is feasible up to a certain proportion without significantly affecting said properties. Th e resistance to traction is improved with greater amounts of saw dust. Th e resistance to bending is adversely affected by the inclusion of saw dust. Littl e variation is noted respect to thickness swelling.
Results contained herein are compared to those demanded by DI N norms for these properties.

Hernán Poblete Wilson
How to Cite
Poblete Wilson, H. (1979). Revista Bosque, 3(1), 39–46. Retrieved from


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