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Dec 31, 1976


An experimental plot was installed in a virgin forest whose main species are coigüe Nothofagus dombeyi (Mirb.) Oerst., raulí Nothofagus alpina (Poepp. et Endl) Oerst., mañío Saxegothaea conspicua Lindl., and tepa Laurelia philippiana Looser, with the objective to study the composition, structure and dynamics of reproduction of this forest.
The experimental plot was located in the cordillera de los Andes to the N.E. of Valdivia province, Chile. The elevation is 1.100 m and the observation was over a 4 year period (1968­ 1971).
The great amount of rainfall, between 4.000­ 5.000 mm per year, is a characteristic of the zone. Most of the rainfall falls in Winter. There is no temperature information for this region. In Summer there is a long period of good weather, with high light intensity. In some years this forest is covered with snow for several months; however in other years there is only limited snowfall.
The soil is very deep and formed by two superposed alyers of volcanic ash. The texture is of simple grain; a high content of humus is in the upper horizon whose pH is low (4,3). Otherwise, pH values increases up to 6 with dept and the availability of light. Only on those micro-sites, where the litter was removed exposing the mineral soil, and where the opened canopy allows the light to reach the soil surface, the C:N relation and the availability of Ca and Mg was good.
With these results, an hypthesis is formulated with the purpose of developing a probable mechanism by which the regeneration of this type of forest was facilitated under natural conditions. Also, recomendations are given for controlled exploitations, taking silvicultural aspects into consideration. 

P. Burschel N.
C. Gallegos G.
O. Martínez M.
W. Moll
How to Cite
Burschel N., P., Gallegos G., C., Martínez M., O., & Moll, W. (1976). Revista Bosque, 1(2), 55–74. Retrieved from


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