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Dec 30, 1983


The monthly , seasonal and annual distribution of the interception, net precipitation, throughfall and stemflow was studied in an adult forest of plantation Pinus radiata, in the proximity of Valdivia (Chile) during 1981 - 1982 .
The rainfall tha t reached the soil by throughfall were collected by means of a metalic channel, while wate r of stemflow was collected with special collars placed around the stems.
The rainfall intercepted by the crowns and stems reached an annual average of 10.3 % . T h e wate r tha t reached the surface of the forest soil is constituted in a 8 7 % by throughfall and 1 3 % by stemflow. These values fluctuated monthl y depending on the rainfall characteristics. The interception decreases to values lower than 10 % whe n the precipitation reach values over 40 mm.
It was established that aproximately 0.9 mm of rain are necessary to saturat e the capacity of wate r retention of the crowns. Besides, it was determined thar the stemflow manisfest itself after 6 mm of precipitation, which is a quantity necessary to saturat e with wate r the stem barks.
Regression equation were calculated for net precipitation, throughfall and stemflow on a weekly basis.

Anton Huber J.
Carlos Oyarzún O.
How to Cite
Huber J., A., & Oyarzún O., C. (1983). Revista Bosque, 5(1), 13–20. Retrieved from


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