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Dec 31, 1987
The native forest communities dominated by the Nothofagus genus in the Chilean mesomorphic zone are studied. The topography, climate and vegetation as well as the use given to the land are described.
The following Nothofagus species were found in the mesomorphic zone: Nothofagus glauca, N. alessandri, N. alpina, N. obliqua, N, pumilio, N. antarctica and Nothofagus dombeyi. Furthermore, Nothofagus obliqua var. macrocarpa and Nothofagus leonii, a hybrid between N. obliqua and N. glauca were considered independant taxa.
These taxonomic entities thrive in both the Andean and Coastal mountain ranges over 200 m altitude, forming part of the following 20 syntaxonomic units: Nothofaghetum glaucae, Nothofagetum glaucae lomatietosum, Nothofagetum glaucae perseetosum, Nothofagetum glaucae drimetosum, Nothofagetum glaucae austrocedretosum, Nothofagetum alessandrii, Nothofagetum alessandrii boldetosum, Nothofagetum alessandrii pemettyetosum, Nothofago-Perseetum boldetosum, Nothofago-Perseetum quillaetosum, Nothofago-Perseetum gomortegaetosum, Nothofago-Perseetum austrocedretosum, Nothofagetum obliquo-alpinae, Elymo-Nothofagetum obliquae, Nothofago-Dasyphylletum excelsii, Aristotelio-Nothofagetum dombeyii, PitavioNothofagetum dombeyii, Nothofagetum pumiliae maytenetosum and Scirpo-Nothofagetum antarcticas.
Lastly, the sclerophyllous and swampy forest communities of the mesomorphic region, lacking Nothofagus species are described.