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Dec 31, 1987


The forest communities dominated by species of the Nothofagus genus in the chilean hygromorphic zone are studied. The topography, climate, soil, vegetation cover of the soil and the use given to the land are described.
The Nothofagus species that thrive in this region are: Nothofagus obliqua, N. alpina, N. pumilio, N. antarctica, N. dombeyi, N. nitida and N. betuloides. The first two are deciduous, with wide leaves, typical of a mediterranean climate; the following two are deciduous, of small leaves, typical of subantarctic conditions and the last three are perennial trees with small leaves, adapted to the humid-temperate and cold conditions of the Valdivian region.
These Nothofagus species are found forming part of 17 sintaxa wich are: Nothofago-Perseetum lingue, Nothofagus Perseetum lingue boldetosum, Prumnopyto-Nothofagetum obliquae, Podocarpo-Nothofagetum obliquae, Nothofagetum alpino-procerae, Nothofagetum alpino-obliquae, Nothofagetum alpino-dombeyi, Nothofago-Eucryphietum cordifoliae, Nothofago-Eucryphietum cordifoliae myrceugenietosum, Chrysosplenio-Nothofagetum dombeyii, Nothofagetum dombeyii fitzroyetosum, Austrocedro-Nothofagetum dombeyii, Nothofagetum nitidae, Nothofagetum betuloidis, Anemone-Nothofagetum pumilionis, Nothofagetum pumilio-betuloidis and Chusqueo-Nothofagetum antarcticae.
Lastly, the forest hygrophilic and swampy communities in wich the Nothofagus genus is absent or is scarcely represented are analyzed.

Carlos Ramírez G.
Heriberto Figueroa S.
How to Cite
Ramírez G., C., & Figueroa S., H. (1987). Plant sociology of the Chilean Nothofagus of the hygromorphic zone. Revista Bosque, 8(2), 127–132. Retrieved from


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