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Dec 31, 1986


From 1981 to 1985 germination tests in laborator y and nursery with proveniences from th e Lake Región of the five tree chilean proteacea e wer e performed. Cold stratification in we t sand for different periods was used as pregermination treatment , depending on the species. Th e nursery tests were done in thre e substrates (sand. organic soil and norma l nursery soil) and seeds wer e sown during spring or Autumn.
High germination capacities were obtained for Gevuina avellana in spring and Autumn and at the three substrates. Nevertheless. an early sown withou t pretreatment , at norma l sustrate in Autumn , is recomended.
For Embothrium coccineum cold stratification in we t sand at 4° C during 60 to 90 days and sowing a t norma l substrat e during early days in september, is recommended.
Cold stratification in we t sand during 45 days, and sowing at norma l substrat e during early days in septembe r is recommende d for Lomatía hirsuta.
Best results for Lomatia ferruginea are obtained with cold stratification in wet sand at 4° C during 15 days, and sowing at normal substrate during september.
For Lomatia dentata, just sowing september at normal substrate, without pregermination treatment, is redomended.

Claudio Donoso
Bernardo Escobar
How to Cite
Donoso, C., & Escobar, B. (1986). Revista Bosque, 7(2), 85–94. Retrieved from


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