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Jun 30, 1986


The technical factibility of using forest r y biomass as raw materia l in the manufacturgin of boards for building is analyzed. T he experimen t used chips from the thinning of Pinus silvestris trees. The trees wer e 32 years old, 12 meters high an d ha d approximatel y a diamete r of 8 cm (DAP). In making the boards, thre e different typ e s of adhesives wer e used: Phenolformal - dehide (FF), a condense d mixtur e of Melamine—Ure a an d Phenolformaldehide (MUFF) an d Isocianat (Ic). T h e results obtained indicat e tha t the manufactur e of chip boards from forestry biomass using MUF F an d I c a s an adhesive is feasable. Thes e boards compl y with the requirements for their use in building (Typ e V 20 an d V 100, DIN 68763). FF presente d a series of inconvenience s whe n used as an adhesive. The most serious of which was swelling.

Miguel Peredo López
How to Cite
Peredo López, M. (1986). Revista Bosque, 7(1), 9–16. Retrieved from


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