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Jun 30, 1994


Different thinning treatments 400, 600, 800 and 1200 trees/ha as residual densities and a control (without thinning) were tested in 1985, in a six year-old radiata pine (Pinus radiata D. Don) stand, located near Collipulli, IX Región. Thinning growth response after six years is analized.
The highest total volume per hectare was seen in the lightly thinned plots and in the control. The heavily thinned plots presented the lowest individual tree growth volume per hectare measured by dbh (diameter breast height) or stem volume. Response was greater as the residual density decreased.
Among the thinned plots, no significant differences in diameter growth were found for the 200 or 300 trees of largest diameter per hectare. Height growth was not affected by thinning.

Miguel Espinoza B.
Jaime García S.
Osvaldo Valeria E.
How to Cite
Espinoza B., M., García S., J., & Valeria E., O. (1994). Effect of different thinning intensities on the growth of a radiata pine stand. Revista Bosque, 15(1), 55–65. Retrieved from


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