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Jun 30, 1994


Chips of Pinus radiata were sampled in autumn 1993 in the port of San Vicente Chile (VIII Región). Abundant fauna of microarthropods such as Collembolla (Entomobryidae), Coleoptera (Staphylinidae, Lathridiidae), Acari (Mesostigmata) was recorded. Other Coleoptera (Cryptophagidae and Carabidae), Diptera and Hemiptera were considered attending fauna because of the low percentage of records.

Claudia V. Aracena
Jorge N. Artigas
How to Cite
Aracena, C. V., & Artigas, J. N. (1994). First communication of microarthropods in Pinus radiata D. Don chips. Revista Bosque, 15(1), 75–76. Retrieved from


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