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Dec 31, 1998
Douglas fir
volume equations
taper equations


Different taper and volume equations were evaluated to be applied in Douglas fir plantations. For the processes of fitness and validation we worked with information of 180 trees coming from stands owned by the Experimental Forest Center (CEFOR) of the Universidad Austral de Chile. One measure of bias and one of error were used to evaluate the different models in their volume predictions, taper equations were also evaluated in their diameters and heights estimations. Althoug volume equations give the better results, we do not recommend their use consequense of crossing in the estimations.

Claudio Torrubiano
Hernán Salinas
How to Cite
Torrubiano, C., & Salinas, H. (1998). Predicting stem volume tools for Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb ) Franco) located in the zone of Valdivia. Revista Bosque, 19(2), 11–21. Retrieved from


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