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Dec 31, 1997
second growth forest
Drimys winteri


A set of 17 permanent plots of a Drimys winteri young second growth forest were established in two adjacent sectors of the Coastal Range of Valdivia, during 1985. They were intervened in summer 1986, applying 5 thinning treatments, randomly assigned to the sample units. The evaluation comprised four vegetative periods, from 1986 to 1990.
Treatments results justify application of thinning when compared with their natural growth condition. Growth response was better as intervention occurred with higher intensity. No relation between thinning intensity and mortality was found.

Celso Navarro
Claudio Donoso
Víctor Sandoval
Conrado González
How to Cite
Navarro, C., Donoso, C., Sandoval, V., & González, C. (1997). Evaluation of thinning for a Drimys winteri (Forst.) second growth forest in the Coastal Range of Valdivia-Chile. Revista Bosque, 18(2), 51–65. Retrieved from


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