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Jun 28, 2002
Diameter over stub
forest management
Pinus taeda L.


The maximum diameter over stub (dos) in trees of Pinus taeda L. origin Marion in the Northeast of the Province of Corrientes, Argentina, can be predicted with accuracy tor any pruning lift up to a maximum of four, and a dos height of 8.7 m above the ground. Tree variables employed for maximum dos prediction were diameter at breast height (D.B.H.), total height (Ht) and height above ground of the base of green crown before pruning (gcbbp) The best fitting and validated model against an independent database was: dos (cm) = 2.66941 + 0.374445* D.B.H. + 0.50723* DAPO

 Where DAPO = DBH * ((Ht – gcbbp) / (Ht – 1,3))

 D.B.H and dos are expressed in centimeters, Ht and gcbbp are in meters In the validation of the model, a mean error of 0.04 cm and an absolute mean error of 0.91 cm was obtained.

Hugo E. Fassola
Paula Ferrere
Francisco Rodríguez A.
How to Cite
Fassola, H. E., Ferrere, P., & Rodríguez A., F. (2002). Prediction of the maximum diameter over stub in pruned trees of Pinus taeda L. origin Marion in the NE of Comentes, Argentina. Revista Bosque, 23(1), 3–9. Retrieved from


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