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Apr 30, 2004
axillary shoot
internodal segment
IBA: Indole butyric acid
BAP: Belzylaminopurine


Legrandia concinna (Phil.) Kausel is a native tree under protection and classified as vulnerable. It is a small tree with very hard wood that is used for making tool handles. However, although no other specific uses are known, it is a species with a high ornamental potential. There is a substantial lack of knowledge about this species, in particular about propagation methods such as tissue culture or micropropagation. Nowadays, in vitro culture has proven to be an excellent way to increase the number of individuals of woody species, especially those that are being conserved. Luma del Norte (Legrandia concinna) was established in vitro by using internodal segments with axillary shoots of juvenile plants (three years old). The establishment response and the organogenic multiplication of the explants in two media, MS and DWK, and two hormonal combinations, 0.1/1 mg/l and 0.1/0.5 mg/l of IBA and BAP, respectively, were evaluated by experimental factorial analysis. The best results were obtained with MS media and a hormonal combination of 0.1/0.5 mg/l of AIB and BAP, respectively.

Matilde Uribe Moraga
Luis Cifuentes
How to Cite
Uribe Moraga, M., & Cifuentes, L. (2004). Application of in vitro cultivation techniques in the propagation of Legrandia concinna. Revista Bosque, 25(1), 129–135. Retrieved from


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