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Dec 30, 2005
Arboreal biomass
Pinus radiata
predictors models of biomass
analysis of biomass
distribution of arboreal biomass by components


A study of biomass in Pinus radiata D. Don with 42 years old was made, the trees were obtained of a stand placed between the cities of Santa Juana and Nacimiento, VIII Region, Chile. Three classes of top were differentiated in the stand: dominant, codominant and intermediate. The value of the mass for each component (wood, bark, branches, branchlets and needle) was obtained from each class of top; the wood resulted as the most important component in the total biomass of the tree (88.9%), then the bark (8.2%) and branches (1.5%). Obtained the values of biomass, the function of biomass for each component was obtained, related this values with the variables of the tree; the variables that showed greater correlation with the values of biomass by component and minors estimation errors are dbh (breast height diameter) and dbc (base of live crown diameter).

Claudio Muñoz Riveros
Jorge Cancino C.
Miguel Espinosa B.
How to Cite
Muñoz Riveros, C., Cancino C., J., & Espinosa B., M. (2005). Analysis of aboveground biomass in a mature stand of Pinus radiata. Revista Bosque, 26(3), 33–44. Retrieved from


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